APES was formed in February 2012 when communities on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia became aware of and concerned about proposed applications to establish Open Pen Finfish Farms in our harbours. The communities came together and concluded that not only would this industry pollute our waters but would threaten our backbone industries of lobster fishing and tourism.
Our communities came together and won! Unfortunately the threat of future attempts to establish this industry is very real because of the provincial governments' continued support for and commitment to it and other destructive industries.
APES supports development which is economically and environmentally sustainable.
APES supports development that respects the local peoples traditional use and enjoyment of our harbours and islands.
APES strives to be an organization that facilitates the communities of the Eastern Shore getting the best available, accurate information about development proposals so that we can make informed decisions about the future of our communities."
Annual membership Fee is $10 and runs from September - August.
Please contact either:
Wendy Watson-Smith: (902) 885-2139 or email: 
Jeanie Hubley: (902) 772-2527