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Via email:
Without prejudice
14 June 2013
To Whom it May Concern,
Re: Statements about Snow Island Salmon's Vice-President of Operations, Shane Borthwick
I recently made certain statements in the media regarding Snow Island Salmon's Vice President of
Operations, Shane Borthwick.
Specifically I stated that Mr. Borthwick had lost entire crops of salmon at the Owls Head site on
the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia in 2009 and again in 2013. These statements were based on
reports given to me by concerned citizen observers. However, I have no officially documented
evidence to support these statements and sincerely regret having made them. I have since heard
that some fish are still alive at the Owl's Head site.
I also stated that Mr. Borthwick had yet to prove his competency in fish farm husbandry. I further
stated that the loss of salmon was "wanton" and "wasteful."
My statements were made during an interview with CKDU radio on March 14, 2013. Some of
them were repeated in writing and published on April 8, 2013 in the Chronicle Herald daily
newspaper. Links to these two media outlets were also published on the website maintained by
the Association for the Preservation of the Eastern Shore.
I hereby retract the statements referred to above and offer my sincerest apology to Snow Island
Salmon and to Mr. Borthwick for any discomfort my statements may have caused him.
I have requested the removal of all of the statements referred to above from the Association for
the Preservation of the Eastern Shore website. I will provide a copy of this letter to the Chronicle
Herald, CKDU radio and the Association for the Preservation of the Eastern Shore, and ask that
they publish it.
I will refrain from making any officially unsupported statements regarding Mr. Borthwick and
Snow Island Salmon Inc. in the future.
Marike Finlay-de-Monchy

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