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Massive support for new aquaculture regs

In Support of Doelle-Lahey Aquaculture Reform

In Support of Doelle-Lahey Aquaculture Reform

They had planned for 150 apparently. They had hoped for 200 secretly. They would have been thrilled with 300 undoubtedly. But when 400 Nova Scotians walked through those doors of the historic Lord Nelson, organizers of the Press Conference in support of Doelle Lahey Aquaculture Reform knew something significant was happening ….
They were wild salmon enthusiasts. They were lobster fishers and dealers. They were university professors and community activists. They came from communities all over Nova Scotia from Cape Breton to Digby Gut. They were as inclusive a group as you could possibly muster in this remarkable province surrounded by water. It made a person proud to be a part of it ….
They were upbeat. They were respectful. They were engaged and focused And they had a heartwarming message on the coldest day of the year. That message was incredibly straightforward and not a bit nuanced for the ultimate audience:   Doelle Lahey reforms should be embraced and enacted and ultimately enforced with a regulatory passion. And let’s do it right away while the iron is still hot …..
The oh-so-important message?  It was aimed with respect at the Premier and his Government. I dare say they heard it loud and clear @ 1 Government Place. The ball is now in their legislative court. We shall see in short order just how they proceed and precisely how they fare with it. Only the future of coastal waters hangs in the balance …
Stewart Lamont, Tangier, Nova Scotia

News coverage: - January 8th video, (in the intro and then story at around 11:15 in)   (Interview with Lewis and Gloria on CBC Main Street)   (Interview with Wendy Watson Smith – Around 37 minutes in

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