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Aquaculture Regulatory Review Participation Support

The Panel is inviting applications from community-based groups in Nova Scotia for Aquaculture Regulatory Review Participation Support. Community groups and not for profit organizations are encouraged to apply.

Small awards will be made, at the discretion of the Panel, for proposals in two categories:

  • Community Dialogue: initiatives to allow a group interested in the process to get organized and to formulate a position on issues relevant to the process (maximum award $500);

  • Community Research: initiatives to conduct research or otherwise gather information not otherwise available to the Panel that will be relevant to the process, such as relevant traditional knowledge (maximum award $1,000).

Applicants should submit a letter providing the following information:

  1. Organization requesting funding

  2. Contact information

  3. Description of the organization, its purpose, membership, and history

  4. Description of proposed participation or research project

  5. Geographic scope of project

  6. Project timing

  7. How the project will enhance the Regulatory Review process

  8. Itemized budget

  9. Amount requested from the Panel

  10. Other in-kind and monetary contributions expected.

Letters should be addressed to
Meinhard Doelle or Bill Lahey
Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Email: or

Electronic submissions would be preferred but are not essential.

Funding is limited. You are encouraged to apply early.


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