"Misrepresentation and Misinterpretation" - Sarah King, Oceans Campaign Co-ordinator, Greenpeace Canada” Commenting on Snow Islands Salmon (Loch Duart inc) Website.
Snow Island Salmon Inc., subsidiary of Loch Duart Inc., is claiming the following on their website:
"Leading environmental organizations such as (...) Greenpeace UK have recognized Loch Duart for its industry-leading sustainability practices."
In a recent report published by Chronical Herald June 9 2012 under the title:
"Greenpeace not onside":
“A notable greenwashing initiative has made its way across the pond to the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia, where Snow Island Salmon Inc., owned by Scotland-based Loch Duart Ltd., is proposing to populate two additional bays and a harbour with salmon farms. An acknowledgment on Greenpeace U.K.’s website of some steps taken by Loch Duart’s U.K. operations to deal with pervasive industry issues has been misinterpreted and misrepresented as an endorsement of the company as a whole. As with any open-net pen system, escapes and disease remain a significant issue in Loch Duart operations. Greenpeace Canada is opposed to open-net pen finfish farming and is calling for an industry shift out of our sensitive, and ailing, marine environments. Greenpeace does not endorse Loch Duart, or any open-net pen salmon operation.
Adding farms will further threaten local ecosystems and coastal livelihoods. The only thing to prevent that from happening is a barrier between the farm and the ocean, and that is not part of Snow Island Salmon’s proposal.
Sarah King, Oceans Campaign Co-ordinator, Greenpeace Canada”
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