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Spreading the Word!

Getting our concerns out to the public at the Farmers Market in Halifax

At the APES table at the Farmer´s Market in Halifax interested people will find for example signs against open net pen fish farms from around the province, a “Foul Fish” display, postcards for people to send to the premier, sea choice cards which talk about what seafood to eat and avoid, a leaflet entitled “Open Net Finfish Aquaculture in Nova Scotia Puts Lobster Industry at Risk” and the Moratorium Petition.


“Our last time at the Halifax Farmers Market … was a great experience!” says Wendy of APES “There was a substantial difference in the awareness level of people on the issue of Open Pen Fish Farms. Obviously the publicity on this issue is reaching people and they are choosing to sign a petition, write a postcard to D. Dexter and boycott farmed salmon. It is very encouraging.”

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